Ok, well the straight answer to that question for a lot of people is you don’t have to buy AdBlue® in bulk.
If you have just bought a brand new Range Rover and just as you were driving out of the forecourt the salesperson tapped on the window and said ‘Don’t forget the AdBlue®’, then it is unlikely you will be using enough to warrant purchasing a large 1000 Litre IBC of AdBlue® to put in your garden or garage.

However….. if you have a number of vehicles that do use AdBlue®, perhaps you have a taxi fleet or maybe a small fleet of vans for your business the amount of money you can save by purchasing a 1000 Litre AdBlue® IBC can be very considerable.
Currently the price (as of July 2020) for 1000 Litre AdBlue® IBC from WavianBlue is £300 ex VAT. That includes delivery to mainland UK (we can arrange delivery to Channel Islands / Highlands etc if you call us on 01508 493 647 and ask for a price). We try and make the whole process of purchasing an IBC as simple as possible, as a result we don’t charge a deposit for the IBC, we simply ask you to either, a: order a new one and we will replace the one you have, or b: give us a call when its empty and we will pick it up. If you want to order a new one from us when you are running low the is fine too.
We can pick up empty IBC 1 with order for IBC 3, or just let us know when it is empty if you need the space. The one important thing to remember is that you will need a forklift truck to get the IBC off the back of the delivery van. Some of our customers who don’t have one, have been able to borrow one from a business close by. We can let you know exactly when we are coming in order to organise this.
210 Litre AdBlue® DrumIf you don’t feel like an IBC is something you will use up in around 12 months then we also have 210 Litre drums of AdBlue® which can also save a lot of money when compared to purchasing smaller 10 or 20 Litre container in the local garage.
All of our AdBlue® is manufactured to the highest specification and certificated for purity and quality. These certificates are available to view on any of the product pages.
Special discount code – TOPUP10
We understand some businesses are operating on a very different landscape in the current climate so for the next few weeks we are offering £10 off any IBC order. Just use the code TOPUP10 at the checkout and your discount will be applied automatically.
We know purchasing AdBlue® can be confusing at times, so we are always available during office hours to give you more information. Just call 1508 493 647 or you can also email [email protected] and we will be very happy to help.