We thought it would be good to post a quick update on what we’re doing or not doing while the UK lock-down is in place. We hope that you are staying safe and getting through this period as well as possible.
Working safely
Since the measures were announced all of our office staff have been working remotely and all the orders that come in through our website are being processed as normal. Although we are picking up voicemail messages from our normal phone number (01508 493 647) we recommend emailing [email protected] for a quicker response.
Our fulfilment crew, warehouse staff and delivery drivers are all working strictly to Government guidelines on safe working practices and social distancing. This will continue when drivers arrive to deliver your AdBlue®. We would also kindly ask you to respect social distancing procedures when we come to deliver your AdBlue®.

Business as usual
The good news is that we are not experiencing delays to any of our orders and most AdBlue® equipment and accessories are being delivered the next working day after ordering. As for AdBlue® liquid orders these are being delivered in 3-4 working days as usual.
Voucher Code
If you are using less AdBlue® because your fleet is currently off the road, then we would like to make things a bit easier next time you need a top up.
Use the code TOPUP10 to receive £10 off your next AdBlue® liquid order.
Terms & Conditions.
For new or existing customers, voucher code valid until 1st July 2020 or first 100 customers. For AdBlue® liquid orders only.