Our customers use AdBlue® in all kinds of places, sometimes having a large tank situated in one place isn’t the most convenient or practical solution. For situations like this there are a number of different products that can help you take AdBlue® to your vehicles and keep them moving!

Empty AdBlue® containers

Probably the most simple solution when it comes to portable AdBlue® is our 10 & 20 litre empty AdBlue® containers.These are specially designed empty AdBlue® containers that come supplied with a convenient hose that fits snuggly into a recess in the cans design. It means you can carry the can and spout with you easily and decreases the likelihood of it getting lost too.
These containers can be filled up from either one of our 1000 Litre AdBlue® IBC’s or alternatively one of our 210 Litre AdBlue® drums. Simply give your drivers a full container of AdBlue® to keep in their vehicles and this should avoid any problems.
AdBlue® Drum Trolley

Another option if you want to keep your AdBlue® refilling on site is to use an AdBlue® Drum Trolley. This device is designed to work in conjunction with an AdBlue® drum which sits on the top. This enables the 210 litre drum to be wheeled around safely and securely. Attached to the trolley is an electric pump to dispense the AdBlue®.
AdBlue® portable trolley specs
Self Priming AC membrane pump on a stainless steel plate designed to be side mounted onto a drum trolley
Ready to dispense kit designed to be easily disconnected and moved between AdBlue® drums
Manual nozzle c/w anti-drip nozzle holster
6m delivery hose, suction hose and SEC Connector
32lpm Max Flow Rate / 230V
(please note the trolley does not come with any AdBlue® or a drum, this is supplied additionally).
CEMO 100 Litre AdBlue® Trolley

Another highly recommended option for dispensing AdBlue® on the move and a product that is very popular is the CEMO 100 Litre Trolley AdBlue®. This is simply a portable AdBlue® tank that can wheeled from one vehicle to another. This is a great option if you have a yard full of vehicles and want to just go from one to the next without having to drive them in and out of the warehouse.
This trolley is available in 3 options, the most basic is a crank pump which works well, but if you’re using the trolley a lot we do recommend (relative to the extra cost) upgrading to either the 12v battery powered AdBlue® Trolley or the AdBlue® trolley with the integral battery.
These are just a few of the options available for customers looking to keep their AdBlue® portable, should you have any questions or need addition information on any of our AdBlue® products call us on 01508 493 647 or email [email protected] and we will be very happy to help.