Our last orders dates for bulk quantities of AdBlue® (IBC’s) before the Christmas break is Monday 18th December.
Orders received after this date will be processed by us before the holiday up to the 21st December, but will be delivered early in the New Year. For pallet loads of 10 & 20 Litre AdBlue® liquid please order on or before Friday 15th December.

AdBlue® Pumps and empty containers are still available to purchase up until Tuesday 19th December for guaranteed delivery before Christmas. CEMO tanks and trolleys are subject to normal stock availability.
Our offices will be closed from Thursday Pm 21st December until Thursday 4th January. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us on 1508 493 647 or email [email protected]
We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all our customers in 2017 and look forward to working with you again in 2018. Have a fantastic Christmas and prosperous New Year.