For consumers and fleet operators with an ever increasing need for AdBlue®, purchasing multiple 10 litre packs from your local garage can soon become expensive and long term it’s definitely not the most cost effective way to buy your AdBlue®.Of course, buying larger amounts of AdBlue® can be confusing, there are many options to consider – 210 litre drums, IBC’s (intermediate bulk containers), Manual Pumps, Electric Pumps, Gravity feeds, Portable AdBlue® trolleys and then there are often deposits, delivery charges etc, etc.At we try to make the buying process as painless as possible – for starters our pricing is clear and there are no hidden extras. The price on the website is the price you pay, including delivery. We don’t charge you a deposit for the IBC, we just want your experience with WavianBlue to be so easy that when you need some more you can just pick up the phone or order again on the website quickly with confidence.

So, if you’re just running a single car at the moment, you’re probably not going to need a 100litre IBC, but if you are looking after a small fleet and all of your new vehicles are using AdBlue®, a 210litre AdBlue® drum with a manual piston pump is a cost effective and simple solution.
Including VAT + delivery the charge per litre is around 83p. Compare this to an average 10 litre container costing £13+ (£1.30 per litre) thats a saving of nearly 50p per litre (or nearly 40% off the price).
If your fleet is already using a fair amount of AdBlue® you may want to consider purchasing a 1000 litre AdBlue® IBC. A 1000 litre IDC reduces the price down to just 30p per litre ex vat (including delivery), £360 inc VAT + delivery). Once you are nearing the end of your IBC give us a call and we’ll deliver a fresh new one. If you prefer to order just before you run out that is not problem either, we can pick up the empty one next time.
WavianBlue AdBlue® is made to the highest specifications and has a shelf life of approx 12 months. Beware of cheaper (and more expensive) alternatives, these can cause problems with your AdBlue® system and in some cases prevent your vehicle from starting up. You can download our AdBlue® specification sheet from here.
All we ask is that if you order an IBC you have a forklift truck available to unload safely. If you have to borrow one from a neighbour our transport company can coordinate with you directly.
For more info on AdBlue® delivery and returns visit our dedicated page here
Incidentally if you use a lot of AdBlue® we can help with extensive AdBlue® management systems that allow you to monitor every drop (call us for more info 01508 493 647) or email [email protected].