A scientific team at Loughborough Universities School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering department have just announced ACCT (Ammonia Creation and Conversion Technology) which could make AdBlue® even more effective in normal use (and here’s why).
When used in a CSR system AdBlue® reduces the amount of (NOx) emissions that are put into the atmosphere. However, the issue the system has is that AdBlue® only functions really well when the exhaust temperatures are over 250ºC.

This means that on short trips, commutes or in a construction site situation the temperature doesn’t always get high enough for the AdBlue® to be used efficiently.
In tests (currently using HGV diesel engines) the ACCT system was able to increase the temperature range at which SCR systems can operate and the new technology significantly enhanced the existing NOx reduction systems to work at much lower temperatures – as low as 60oC.

This means that the NOx reduction system remains active through the whole real world driving conditions, leading to additional reductions in exhaust emissions.
The technology developed by the Loughborough team is fully scalable for use in all diesel vehicles and as a result we may see even tighter legislation to further reduce the amount of toxic fumes going into the air in the future.
To purchase high quality Wavian Blue AdBlue® click here